“The Whole World Is Our Homeland: Italian Anarchist Networks in Global Context, 1870-1939,” Volume 1 (2014)


This inaugural issue of Zapruder World highlights one of the principal aims of the journal: to investigate and reflect upon methodological approaches that enable scholars to break off from the Western- and nation-centric cage, and the self-referential perspective that often accompanies the concept of “local”. We see a relationship of continuity rather than polarization between “local”, “national” and “global” scales, as well as between the “micro” and the “macro”, and also between flows, exchanges, connections, and diasporas, on the one hand, and individual and collective identities, on the other. Yet, rather than addressing these methodological and theoretical issues in abstract terms, we do it through a series of empirical studies around a monographic theme: the Italian contribution to the transnational anarchist movement.

While surely appropriate to the scopes of our journal, the choice of this opening theme was neither a foregone conclusion, nor devoid of reflection. Why open a new journal on conflict, aimed at widening the definition of “conflict” itself, by focusing on a seemingly “traditional” form of conflict such as anarchism? And, why put the emphasis on Italian anarchists, since the goal is the exploration of new methodological perspectives and issues capable of challenging the centrality of the “national” perspective?

The sense of our choice is in our willingness to lay the groundwork for a broad dialogue, rather than imposing a predetermined point of view. Our goal is to encourage the widest possible discussion around the methodological issues mentioned above. We wish to contribute new insights, and nourish the visions of those who are already convinced of the need to overcome methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism; at the same time we wish to provide concrete examples of the possibility of another way of doing history to those who are more or less consciously linked to those interpretations.



Table of Contents

Foreword: The Zapruder World Project
∴ Editorial Board

∴ Editorial Board

Italian Anarchism as a Transnational Movement, 1885-1915
∴ Davide Turcato

Atlantic Circulation of Italian Anarchist Exiles: Militants and Propaganda between Europe and Río de la Plata (1922-1939)
∴ María Migueláñez Martínez

Hidden Histories and Material Culture: The Provenance of an Anarchist Pamphlet
∴ Andrew D. Hoyt

Latin Lines and Dots: Transnational Anarchism, Regional Networks, and Italian Libertarians in Latin America
∴ Kirwin R. Shaffer

Anti-Anarchism and Security Perceptions during the Hamidian Era
∴ Ilkay Yilmaz

∴ Donna Gabaccia


Volume Resources

∴ Digital scholarly resources, archival links, images and more related to the topic of this volume.

∴ Global and local organizations, movements, and networks inspired by the traditions explored in this volume.