The following is a collection of digital scholarly resources, archival links, images and more related to the topic of Volume 5.
Resource Name | Organization/Institution/Publisher | Resource Type |
"Dr. Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection" | Special Collections and University Archives, Stony Brook University | Archival Sources |
"Menu Collection" | Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library | Archival Sources |
"The Eastern Wine and Grape Archive" | Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library | Archival Sources |
"Rare Cookery Book Collection" | Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library | Archival Sources |
"Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive" | Special Collections Research Center, Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan | Archival Sources |
"Records of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics" | Records of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, National Archives | Archival Sources |
"Food History Digital Primary Sources" | The Culinary Institute of America | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project" | Gerald M Kline Digital and Multimedia Center, Michigan State University | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Cookbooks and Home Economics" | | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Digitized Cookbooks" | Kitchen Historic: Exploring Historical Cookery | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Menus Collection" | University Libraries, University of Washington | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Menu Collection" | Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"What's On the Menu?" | New York Public Library | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Cookbooks" | Duke Digital Collections, Duke University Libraries | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Kathleen Cappellano, "A Smorgasbord of Web-Based Food History and Culinary Resources" | Nutrition Today 43:3 (May-June 2008): 123-126. | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Cookbooks, Culinary Arts, Culinary History: Cookbook Collections" | University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Not by Bread Alone: America's Culinary Heritage" | Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Recipe for Victory: Food and Cooking in Wartime" | Digital Collections, University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Cookery and Culture Digital Collection" | Digital History Collections, Utah State University University Libraries, Utah State University | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Fons Grewe d'alimentació i gastronomia" | Fons Grewe d'alimentació i gastronomia, Universitat de Barcelona | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"History of Food & Drink Collection Manuscripts" | Special Collections Online, University Libraries, Virginia Tech | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Culinary History and Cookbook Digital Archive" | Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Recipe Books" | Digital Collections, Wellcome Library, Wellcome Trust | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Szathmary Recipe Pamphlet Digital Collection" | University of Iowa Libraries, University of Iowa | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"Diana Kennedy Culinary Archive and Mexican Cookbook Collection" | Rare Books Collection, UTSA Libraries Special Collections, University of Texas at San Antonio | Digitized Sources & Collections |
La cucina italiana | Biblioteca Gastronomica di Academia Barilla, Academia Barilla | Digitized Sources & Collections |
"What Canada Ate" | McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Fighting Starvation in Belgium | Digital Collections, U.S. National Library of Medicine | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Ireland's Great Hunger Museum Database | Quinnipiac University | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Famine in Russia, 1921-1922 | Modern Records Centre, University Library, University of Warwick | Digitized Sources & Collections |
The Memory Project | Digital Repository, Duke University Libraries | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Starvation in the Midst of Plenty | Digital Library, LSE Library, London School of Economics | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Collection of Russian and Ukranian Posters, 1917-1921 | Digital Collections, New York Public Library | Digitized Sources & Collections |
Jeffrey M. Pilcher, ed., Food History: Critical and Primary Sources | London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 | Primary Sources & Collections |
"History of Food and Drink in the Institute of Historical Research Library" | Library, Institute of Historical Research | Primary Sources & Collections |
Jeffrey Pilcher, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Food History | Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 | Primary Sources & Collections |
Robert Dirks, ed., "World Food Habits: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Updated through 2010)" | Robert Dirks, Illinois State University | Research & Teaching |
"Getting Started in Food History" | Rachel Laudan: A Historian's Take on Food and Food Politics | Research & Teaching Resources |
"The Food Timeline" | FoodTimeline | Research & Teaching Resources |
Elizabeth Driver, "Cookbooks as Primary Sources for Writing History: A Bibliographer's View" | Food, Culture & Society 12:3 (2009) | Research & Teaching Resources |
The Recipes Project: Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine | The Recipes Project: Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine | Research & Teaching Resources |
Food Research & Institute | Food Research & Institute, Stanford University | Research & Teaching Resources |
Center on Food Security and the Environment | Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University | Research & Teaching Resources |
"Agricultural Collections" | Agricultural Collections, Iowa State University | Research & Teaching Resources |
Ireland's Great Hunger Museum | Quinnipiac University | Research & Teaching Resources |
The Culinary Historians of Boston | The Culinary Historians of Boston | Societies & Organizations |
The UNESCO Courier | Digital Library, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | Digitized Sources & Collections |