“Music and Social Conflicts,” Volume 7 (2023)


The 6th issue of Zapruderworld was devoted to an exploration of cinema and its relationship with social conflicts. In the same vein, in this 7th issue we decided to focus on another artistic field – music – to show its connections with conflict and radical politics. This issue follows «Zapruder» n. 12, where music was framed as a document and a valuable source through which historians can narrate specific identities or cultural moments. When we started developing this issue, we wanted to challenge a common-sense view of music as the “soundtrack” for social movements. A reading of music that strips the musical performance down to lyrics and rhythms, without giving much consideration to the context songs come from, to the different and conflictual means of music production, to the intricate connection between artists and listeners. When we think about the use of some specific songs during demonstrations, or the transformation of lyrics in “memes” (i.e. the repeated use of parts of lyrics out of context as conceptual passepartout) we can clearly see one form of relationship between music and collective protest. At the same time, we wanted to show the presence of deeper interconnections between music and social conflict, proposing a multifaceted and complex understanding of both. In editing this issue, we wanted to show how music has been a primary social and cultural tool through which conflicts have been able to emerge and become visible, and to stimulate a reflection on how they are – in the long run – documented as historical experiences. We have outlined a tripartite understanding of the relationship between music and conflict.



Table of Contents

∴ Alessandro Pes, and Tommaso Frangioni, eds.

Grândola, Vila Morena: uses and meanings of a song throughout the years
∴ João Madeira, Ricardo Andrade, and Hugo Castro

Representations of structural violence through sound imaginaries: A perspective from extreme metal music
∴ José Omar González Hernández, Mario Castañeda, and Marco Antonio García

Heavy Metal Music as Decolonial Activism: A Latin American Case Study
∴ Nelson Varas-Díaz, Daniel Nevárez Araújo, Eric Morales, Juan Rosales, and David Rosales

Transcultural Engagement in Protest Music as a Mode of Scene
∴ Carolin Müller

How reggae could explain the victory of Micheal Manely in 1972 Jamaican general election
∴ Francesco Pota

Farewell Zapruder World
∴ Stefano Agnoletto, and Luca Peretti